New Years in India is traditionally celebrated amongst family, which is different from my traditional several parties in one night plan. However, this turned out to be a terrific chance to meet all of my extended family on my dad's side. The most fun were my cousins, of which there were six or seven. They were outgoing and engaging, and helped me to have a great time. We played games, danced, and talked a lot about my experience so far in India. I also acted as Minnesota ambassador and salesperson, and got all of them interested in coming to visit at some point. One difference in India is that many people I have met have declared they will come stay with me in Minnesota sometime in the future. I doubt that it will happen for nearly all if any of them, but it says something about the great hospitality here. The night was not at all what I expected for the end of 2012, but it was a lot of fun.
Now, fireworks and resolutions are all good, but I was looking forward to New Years not only as a holiday, but as a rough half-way point to my exchange. That's right, I'm HALF-WAY DONE. It is so hard to believe, but my year in India has passed so much faster than I could have imagined. I look back on what I could do here five months ago and am amazed at all that I have learned. I have met so many amazing people who have taught me so much about their culture as well as my own. This year truly is an extraordinary experience and I wouldn't give it up for anything. Realizing that my time here will pass much quicker than I anticipated has renewed my excitement at being here, and pushed me to make some goals. Essentially, they come to making the most of every day and enjoying the limited time I have to experience India. Hopefully, you all have made some resolutions of your own and enjoyed your holiday season as much as I did. Happy New Year, and may it come with as many surprises and opportunities as the last!
Now that you are roughly half-way done with your exchange, I hope that this next half brings you even more amazing experiences and happiness as the first. Don't forget to always say yes, YOLO it up, and keep sharing your stories. Bon courage, Erik!